Is 3D Printing Here for Good with Michael Pecota

In this episode, Brock talks with Michael Pecota.

Mike is former aviation at the squadron level and now works for NAVAIR doing additive manufacturing. We talk about how proximity to the mission impacts the lives of people in a unit. We compare and contrast sea duty and shore duty and how being more involved with the mission day to day tends to strip away a lot of the unnecessary actions have units with more time than duties. Mike gives a unique take on why the Navy has such a hard time promoting junior people that speak up. He has a drastic proposed solution that involves getting rid of the chiefs mess entirely. And lastly, we talk about Michael's area of expertise additive manufacturing. He talks through how 3d printing is playing out in today's military and what needs to happen to see wide scale adoption.

You can reach out to Michael on LinkedIn.



America Makes:

Show Notes:
01:56 Hearing about Michael’s date and talking breakfast rice on the ship
04:51 Joining the Navy as an ATO and an A school mishap
10:29 A changing navy starting at Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
15:42 How proximity to the mission alters a unit
26:56 Why nobody speaks up in the Navy and addressing ‘the frozen middle’
37:31 The nail in the coffin on getting out of the Navy
43:41 What has given Mike the confidence that getting out was the right decision
50:10 Joining the innovation team as a lead in to a job at NAVAIR
59:15 What is additive manufacturing?
01:07:56 What is holding 3D printing back from wide scale adoption
01:12:22 3D printing in the Navy
01:17:11 How 3D printing impacts defense primes and OEMs
01:27:25 Who is hurt by 3D printing today
01:31:04 Places for further study

The Scuttlebutt Podcast - The podcast for service members and veterans building a life outside the military.

The Scuttlebutt Podcast features discussions on lifestyle, careers, business, and resources for service members. Show host, Brock Briggs, talks with a special guest from the community committed to helping military members build a successful life, inside and outside the service.

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